A New Leaf Home Solutions
A New Leaf Home Solutions
*Hands-on Organizing & Decluttering
$90 per hour for a solo organizer; $80 per hour for each additional organizer
Downsizing & Donations
$65 per hour per organizer
In-Home Assessment
$200 flat fee
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The Small Print
We accept Venmo, cash & c.c. (a 3.75% surcharge is added to final bill for all credit card transactions.)
Payment is due at the end of each session or daily worked performed. For consultation & design projects, payment is prepaid in installments for a set number of hours until project is completed.
Billable time is calculated in 15 minute increments beyond the hourly minimum.
The cost of any product or fees (including parking) incurred during the performance of the service will be the responsibility of the client.
Organizing sessions are a minimum of 4 hours
*Pricing for organizing services excludes homes with hoarding and/or environmental health issues. Pricing to be determined via an onsite assessment.
A minimum of 2 organizers may be assigned to households on the first visit.
Booking & Cancellation Policy: To book an organizing session, we require a non-refundable pre-payment of $100 per organizer assigned. For post move bookings, we require 1/3 pre-payment of the estimated cost. We require a 48 hours' notice for cancellation. Failure to provide notice or cancelling two or more consecutive appointments (with or without advanced notice) could result in the full price of service being charged. (Prepayment deposit will go toward this balance.)
Hazardous Conditions: The safety of our organizers is important. If handguns are present, please alert us prior to the appointment. They must be safely stored and put away from areas where we will be working. Please alert us prior to the appointment if there will be an animal present that has a history of biting or aggression. *Sorry, but we are unable to serve clients with former or current BED BUGS or CARPET BEETLES infestation.*